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VALOARE si PERFORMANTA | EN Fondata in anul 2000 de catre scriitorul Nicolae Panaite, directorul editurii, si de catre Elena Hermeziu, redactorul sef, Editura ALFA are un profil enciclopedic, iar strategia ei este una culturala.
Founded in 2000 by the writer Nicolae Panaite (the managing director) and by Elena Hermeziu (the editor-in-chief), ALFA Publishing House has an encyclopedic profile and a cultural strategy. From the beginning, we have aimed to diversify our publishing profile, driven by a core focus on our books’ textual esthetics and graphic aspects. Year by year, this applied vision has lead to the publication of approximately 700 titles in various collections and formats. ALFA Publishing House collaborates with the most prestigious university centers in the country, as well as with important members of the Writers’ Union of Romania (Uniunea Scriitorilor din Romania). Our 24 collections are dedicated to genres such as culture, philology, science, art, history, architecture. We have promoted in the past and will continue to promote contemporary literature and art of authentic value (proze, poetry, literary theory, criticism, essay, theatre). So far ALFA Publishing House has collaborated with over 150 authors in these genres. The technical and scientific works, as well as books of literature and art, together with the specialty journals we publish, amount to a strategy characterized by quality, promptitude, value and performance. We have always operated under the premise that, unless we assume the responsibility and take charge of our own development, it cannot become a reality. Thus, we support scientific research with precedence, and have materialized this goal by extending our related publishing objectives and focusing both on local and international values, while also emphasizing the esthetic aspects of genres such as culture, philology, science, art, architecture, history. Our goal is to encourage scientific research by promoting both new talents as well as authors altready established at a national or international level.
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